Saturday, November 24, 2012

Walaloo Islaama ibsu

Walaloo Islaama Ibsu
by Jamaal Gabe
hedduu teysoon saanii samii keysaa.
ittin dilaawan ajaja isaa.
dhugaa kitaabni Rabbiin buusee.
kan anbiyoota saa barsiise.
Qur'aana isaa hunda caalchisee.
kan nabiin keenya aalamaa ibsee.
itti amannee ergamtootaa.
ilmaan namaatiif barsiistota.
shirkii fageysan karaa fokkataa.
towhiidan ibsan qalbii ummataa.
dhuga'oomsi guyyaa qiyaamaa.
yowmul hasrati wannadaamaa.
guyyaa kaafamaa guyyaa galataa.
jallaan azaabaa gaariin jannataa.
qadara jaheysaan isaatii.
gaariifii hamtuun waan dhufeetii.
feedhii Rabbiitiif murtii isaatii.
katabee kaayee bekkomsa saatii.
ihsaannis beekaagaa tolchuudhaa.
ibaadaa Rabbii sirreysuudhaa.
akka waan laaltee gartuutti gabbarii.
ati arguu baattus si argaa barii.
waan himneef daliilan dhiheysaa.
hadiisa jibriil muslim keysaa.

Thursday, November 22, 2012

Ashuuraa haa Soomannu

Ashuuraa Soomannee Araarama Rabbi haa kajeellu.
Guyyaa Ashuuraa Guyyaa guddaadha, Rabbiin Muusaa fi Orma Isaa Fir’owna jalaa nagaya baase. Fir’ownaa fi Orma Isaa Baharatti kombolchee fixe.
 Ashuuraa (Ji’a Islaamaa Muharram guyyaa 10ffaa) soomanuun cubbu amata tokko namarraa dhiyxi. 
Ammoo dirqamaa miti Soomanuun Abbaan soomane galata guddaa argata namni hin soomanne badiin irra hin jirtu.
Ammas cubbu xixiqqoo hunda tan waggaa tokko Soomanni Ashuuraa namarraa qulqulleessa garuu cubbuun gurguddoon towbaa sharxii Isii wajjiin godhuu barbaachisa.
Guyyaa sagalaffaa itti Ida’unis jaalatamaadha Rasuulli s.a.w amanta dhufu guyyaa 9ffaa nin soomana je’ee Osoo amanni hin gahin gama Rabbi isaa godaane (Rabbiin lubbu Isaa fuudhe) kanaaf guyyaa 9ffaa itti Ida’anii waliin soomanuun karaa Rasuulaati s.a.w.
Kanaaf Obboleyyan Islaamaa hundi keenya soomana boruu fi saftii soomanuun haa dabarsinu akka Rabbiin cubbuu amata tokkoo nuuf araaramu.
Warra Rabbiin araaramuuf nu haa godhu.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Mootummaan Masjida saamuu eegalerra

Oduu Nama Diinqu
Iluu Abbaa Booraa Irraa amma nu dhaqabe.
har'ammo waanuma dinqiin sitti hima! goodina Ilu aba boora magaala Mettutti Mesjiida Nejjaash kan jedhamu seena isa dhagahu hin ooltanu, yoo hin dhageenyes masjida ijaarsi isa qar.mill.6 ol hirmaaannaa ummata muslimaatiin ijaarame xumuramu irra jiruudha! Aalal kheyriin ijaaruf gaafatulle Ummanni kheyriin kun nu harkaa bahuu hin qabu jechuun humnaa fi qarshii isaatiin ijaare xumuraa jiruudha!! garuu har'a (21-11-2012) wayyaaneen Zuhri booda Federal police fudhattee deemuudhaan biiroo masjiida kana cabsitee seenuun Biiroo Masjiidaa keessa galuun waan bayee fattashaa oolte!
sa'aatii ummanni salaate gale eeggachuun kana gochuun hattummaa nutti agarsiisani jiru!
Kunis Misooma keeysaa tokko tahuu hin ola jenne nutis.

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Ziyaaraa Qaallittii guyyaa 18-11-2012 Ya Kaalitti tarikawii ziyaara

Friday, November 16, 2012

Oduu jimmaa 16-10-2012

Oduu Jimmaa!!!

Jimmaa guyyaa arraa Masjida Fathiitti ummanni Islaamaa hiriira nagayaa godhee ole.
Ummanni Islaamaa magaalaa jimmaa kuma hedduutti lakkaawaman Masjidatti sagalee Isaanii karaa nagayaatiin dhageysisanii jiran.
Ummanni Muslimaa hundi Isaanii xalayaa fi wayaa adii qabatanii akka jiranis dhagayamee jira.
Koreen keenya haa bahu!!!
Islaamni nagaya!!! fi dhaadannoo hedduu dhageysiisanii jiran.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Duula Ziyaaraa biyyooleysaa!!!

Duula Ziyaaraa biyyooleysaa!!!
koree teenya bakkatti ziyaarree seenaa haa daleynu!!!!!
Guyyaa Alhadaa ummanni Islaamaa finfinnee fi naannoo isii jiru hundi akka ziyaaraaf gama qaallittii dhangala'uu murtaawee jira.
Kanaaf ganama sa'aa 2 irraa hangaa sa'aa jahatti sagantaa xumuramu kana namni dandeenyu hundi itti hirmaachuu qabna. dhalaa, dhiira, dargaggoo fi maanguddoo hundi nagayaan qaallitti dheeynee koree teenya tan badii tokko malee hidhamte ziyaarree akka yeroo hunda isaan jaalanni agarsiisuu qabna.
Injifannoon tan Islaamaati!!!
Alllaahu Akbar!!!!

Friday, November 9, 2012

VOA afaan oromoo gabaasa waa'ee Muslimoota Itiyoopiyaa guyyaa 9-11-2012

VOA afaan Oromoo gabaasa kalleessa galgala 10-11-2012 waa'ee mirga Muslimoota ilaala.
Komiishinni walabummaa Amantii US kan sadarkaa addunyaa Itiyoopiyaa keessa hordoftoota amantii Musliimaaf walabummaan waaqeffannaa irraa mulqamaa hufuun isaa na yaaddesse jechuun ibsa baasee jira. Angawoonni Ameerikaa Itiyoopiyaan walabummaa amantii akka kabajju miseensota bulchiinsa biyyattii haaraa akka gaafatanis ibsee jira. Waajjirri ministrii haajaa alaa Amerikaaf dubbi himaa kan ta’an ibsanii Komiishinni walabummaa amantii USCIRF jedhamu kun baatii Adoolessa bara 2004 qabee mootummaan Itiyoopiyaan damee amantii Islaamaa hawaasi muslimaa biyyattii hordofu geeddaruuf yaalaa jira, tarkaanfii kana kanneen morman hoogganoota amantichaa fi hayyootas adabeera jedha ibsi sun. Mootumaan Itiyoopiyaa Onkoloolessa 18 mormitoota 29 yakka shorkeessummaa fi biyyattii kana Islaamummatti geeddaruuf yaalan jechuun himate. Yakkawwan kun mootummaan Itiyoopiyaan damee amantii Islaamummaa ofiif fedhu dirqiitti hojii irra oolchuuf yaalii godhu kanneen morman ukkaamsuuf jedha ibsi sun. Kanneen himatamanis uummata kumaan laka’amaniif imaammata mootummaa kana kanneen mormani.
komiishinni amantii US kan sadarkaa addunyaas durumaa qabanii damee amantii Suufii jedhamu kanneen hordofan musliimota Itiyoopiyaa ”Al Habaash” kan jedhu akka hordofan dirqisiisuudhaan walabummaan hojjetaa kan ture filannoo mana marii dhimmootii islaamummaa itiyoopiyaa hojii isaa fiixaan baasuuf itti garaarame jechuun himata. Angawonni Itiyoopiyaa seera walabummaa amantii kan sadarkaa addunyaa kan kabaju heera biyyatti akka kabajan angawoonni US bulchiinsa biyyattii haaraaf akka ibsan ibsi komishinichaa gaafatee jira. Dubbi himtuun ministrii haajaa alaa US victoria Nuland ibsa kaleessa kennan irratti akkuma beekamu haala mirga namaa Itiyoopiyaan keessaa ilaalchisuudhaan mul’inatti angawoota mootummaa Itiyoopiyaa waliin dubbataa ture. Mnistrittiin dantaa alaa Ameerikaas wayita Itiyoopiyaa daawwatanitti dhimma kana mul’inatti cimsanii dubbatanii turan. bulchiinsa isa haaraa
jalatte Itiyoopiyaan qabiyyee mirga namaa ishee gara sadarkaa addunyaatti ni fooyyessiti jennee amanna jedhan.
Dura teessuun komiishina amantii sadarkaa addunyaa US Katriinaa Leenoowit Itiyoopiyaan gaanfa afiirkaa keessaa bakka tarsiimo
qabeettii waan taateef uumati ishees sadii irraa harki tokko musliima waan ta’aniif mootummaan dhiittaa walamubbaa amantii dhaabuu qaba jedhan.

USCIRF Deeply Concerned by Emerging Religious Freedom Violations in Ethiopia

USCIRF Deeply Concerned by Emerging Religious Freedom Violations in Ethiopia
November 8, 2012| By USCIRF

The U.S. Commission on International Religious Freedom (USCIRF) is deeply concerned about the increasing deterioration of religious freedoms for Muslims in Ethiopia.  Since July 2011, the Ethiopian government has sought to force a change in the sect of Islam practiced nationwide and has punished clergy and laity who have resisted.  Muslims throughout Ethiopia have been arrested during peaceful protests: On October 29, the Ethiopia government charged 29 protestors with terrorism and attempting to establish an Islamic state.

“These charges are only the latest and most concerning attempt  by the Ethiopian government to crush opposition to its efforts to control the practice of religion by imposing on Ethiopian Muslims a specific interpretation of Islam,”  said USCIRF Commissioner Azizah al-Hibri.  “The individuals charged were among tens of thousands peacefully protesting the government’s violations of international standards and their constitutional right to religious freedom.  The Ethiopian government should cease interfering in the internal affairs of its Muslim community and immediately and unconditionally release those wrongfully imprisoned.”

Since July 2011, the Ethiopian government has sought to impose the al-Ahbash Islamic sect on the country’s Muslim community, a community that traditionally has practiced the Sufi form of Islam.   The government also has manipulated the election of the new leaders of the Ethiopia Islamic Affairs Supreme Council (EIASC).  Previously viewed as an independent body, EIASC is now viewed as a government-controlled institution.  The arrests, terrorism charges and takeover of EIASC signify a troubling escalation in the government’s attempts to control Ethiopia’s Muslim community and provide further evidence of a decline in religious freedom in Ethiopia.

“The U.S. government should raise with the new leadership in Addis Ababa the importance of abiding by Ethiopia’s own constitution and international standards on freedom of religion of belief.  USCIRF has found that repressing religious communities in the name of countering extremism leads to more extremism, greater instability, and possibly violence,” said USCIRF Chair Dr. Katrina Lantos Swett.  “Given Ethiopia’s strategic importance in the Horn of Africa and that Muslims account for more than one-third of all Ethiopians, it is vital that the Ethiopian government end its religious freedom abuses and allow Muslims to practice peacefully their faith as they see fit.  Otherwise, the government’s current policies and practices will lead to greater destabilization of an already volatile region.”


Ethiopian Muslims traditionally are Sufis.  Article 27 of the Ethiopian constitution guarantees religious freedom and “the independence of the state from religion.” 

However, due to a concern about the rise of Wahhabism in Ethiopia, the government in July 2011 brought al-Ahbash imams from Lebanon to train Ethiopian imams and Islamic school educators on that sect’s beliefs to teach their students and worshippers.  The government dismissed from their positions those who refused to be trained in or teach al-Ahbash and closed mosques and schools.  Beginning in December 2011, protests have been held almost every Friday outside of mosques after prayers.  While these demonstrations have taken place nationwide, they are centered at the Awalia Mosque and Islamic school in Addis Ababa. 

As the protests continued, an Arbitration Committee of 17 Islamic leaders was created this past spring to negotiate with the government about: 1) respecting the Ethiopian constitution’s guarantees of religious freedom; 2) ending government imposition of al-Ahbash on Ethiopian Muslims, while allowing al-Ahbash to operate equally with other religious communities; 3) re-opening and returning schools and mosques to their original imams and administrators; and 4) holding new elections for the EIASC, and having these elections take place  in mosques, rather than in neighborhood government community centers, to ensure that the community’s selections would be honored.

By July, the negotiations had failed and the protests increased in both size and frequency.  In response, the Ethiopian government started to crack down on and intimidate the demonstrators, surrounding them with armed guards and conducting house-to-house searches.  Between July 13 and 21, the government arrested all 17 members of the Arbitration Committee and at least 70 protestors. (While the government has confirmed 70 people were arrested, demonstrators place the number in the hundreds).  Human rights organizations reported that the police used excessive force against individuals during the arrests and while in detention.  While many were released after being held for a short time, nine of the Arbitration Committee members remain in jail. 

The charges the government leveled on October 29 were the first issued against any of the arrested protestors, including the nine Arbitration Committee members who were not released with their colleagues in July.  The individuals charged were first detained and held in Maikelwai federal police detention center, which frequently houses political prisoners and is known for abusing prisoners, including torturing them during interrogations.  The individuals detained also were charged under the nation’s anti-terror law which has been used to target dissent, rather than to stop terrorism.

Protestors now hold up yellow or white placards to signal that they are peaceful and to condemn the arrests and charges.  While the demonstrations largely have been peaceful, there have been a few violent incidents:  On October 21, 2011 four Muslims were killed as they stormed a jail attempting to free protestors and in April 2012 five people were killed protesting the dismissal of an imam who refused to propagate al-Ahbash.

To interview a USCIRF Commissioner please contact Samantha Schnitzer at or (202) 786-0613.

Anawaar duwwatee ole jum'aa 9-11-2012

jum'aa 9-11-2012
Allaahu Akbar!!!!
Arra masjida anawaar irraa hafun balaalefannaan ajaa'ibaa godhamee ole. Masjidni anwaar jum'aa guyyaa arraa akkuma namaaf beelawetti ole. Adawwiin Islaamaa abdii haa muran, ummanni Islaamaa tokkummaan harka wal qabatee jira. 
Imaamni Masjida Anwaar Xaahaan Zuhrii guyyaa biroo namoota hin geenye salaachise. Maanguddoo fi musaafira tokko tokko.
mee footoo tana walibiratti laala torbaan dabre ummanni akka itti hedduu.
majlisa mootummaan filate balaaleefachuun itti fufa.
Allaahu Akbar 
Injifannoon tan Islaamaati!!!
anawaar arra

anawaar torbaan dabre 2-11-2012

anawaar torbaan dabre gama dhalaaatiin.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Government officials appointed to run Mejlis

Government officials appointed to run Mejlis
By Jawar Mohammed
The Ethiopian regime  has given up  any pretension and appointed government officials to run the Islamic Affairs Supreme Council  (Mejlis). Five of the eleven Mejlis leaders are active government officials, while the rest are  recycled from  the  old Mejlis leadership serving at various  levels.
The man appointed to lead the new Mejlis, Kiyar Mohammed Aman, is a long time member of the ruling party who worked at various posts  over the last two decades.  Kiyar was one of the party cadres sent abroad  following the mass resignation of career diplomats during the aftermath of the 2005 election. Since then he has been working as secretary of the Ethiopian embassy in Saudi Arabia. Although a layman until this past summer, he  is now  bestowed with a title of  ‘sheik’ and appointed as president of the Mejlis. Kiyar is the son of  the  famous  Qadi (sharia court judge) Haji  Aman Lode  of Asalla, therefore, the government hopes his father’s popularity would help it win over the population.
Similarly, Mohammed Adem Worsema , the person representing Somali region to the Mejlis,  is a cabinet member of the regional  government in Jijiga until he vacated the post to take up the new job. Nobody knew he has the title ‘hajj’ under his sleeve until he pulled it out and put it on for the new job. The representative of Harari  was an official of the federal ministry of foreign affairs until he was converted to take the role of spiritual leadership. The Benishangul Muslims are represented by the head of the Asosa zone health bureau.  The representative of Addis Ababa  was serving “in high ranking position with the government” until he was transferred to his current post.  And from Gambella came an employee of the federal government working within  the Statistics Agency.
The person representing Dire Dawa,  Abduleziz Ali, was chairman of the city’s Ulama Council, which was a body established last spring  to organize the election of this Mejlis. That means Sheik Abduleziz must have presided over an election committee  that ended up electing him.
Among the former Mejlis leaders recycled is found Khedir Mahmud Aman who is representing Tigray region. Khedir was one of the soldiers that fought to bring the current regime to power. When the rebel army was partially demobilized in mid-1990s, some soldiers were given seed funding to start  business, some were converted to bureaucrats, while others, such as Khedir were  given special assignments aimed at helping their party control the country. Comrade Kheder was converted to Sheik Kheder, and then appointed as president of the Tigray region  Mejlis and  Sharia court simultaneously, although the institutions were supposed to be the executive and judicial branches, as such ought  to be separate.
He was one of the individuals who helped the regime  take over the Mejlis following the 1995 riots in Anwar that was used as pretext  to put the organization under its control. An active and influential member of the TPLF, Khedir’s  power extended beyond Mekele. He played a key role in enabling  the regime maintain its grip over the federal Mejlis over the last decade. He was also said to have traveled  to Lebanon with Shiferaw Teklemariam, Minister of Federal Affairs, to negotiate terms with al Habash  before they were invited to start the controversial re-indoctrination campaign.  His role was seen so crucial that, when the current protest broke out, Khedir  was formally brought to Addis Ababa to reinforce the troubled Mejlis as senior adviser. Now he is appointed vice-president of the new Mejlis where he will be the defacto leader like his predecessors. Kedir  will team up with  Jamal Mohammed Salah, another TPLF member,  who is in charge  of  the ‘ permanent office’ of the Mejlis that runs the day-to-day activities of the organization.
This drama of the Mejlis appointment was completed with a bizarre ritual whereby the appointee took oath of office  by swearing to govern the Muslim faithful according to  the rules of ‘Ahlal Sunnah Waljama-Sufi” which is a name for al Al Habash’s  branch in Ethiopia that was formally established this past spring.  Basically while the public is demanding for reforming the existing Mejlis by allowing them to freely elect their leaders, the regime responded by appointing government officials to run the institution, and according to a religious   doctrine it imported from abroad. Put another way, Mejlis openly become another branch of the government, while Al Habash is declared the state sanctioned doctrine that Muslims must follow.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Dhaamsa Shahiidootaa Muslimoota hundaaf

Dhaamsa Shahiidootaa Muslimoota hundaaf
Urjii Ahmad
Yaa ummata Islaamaa nuuf hin yaaddawinaa
Nuti bar gammanne argannee jannata
Shahiidee tahuun bar hedduu kabajamaa
Shimbirroon jannata lubbuun teenyaan cahaa
Masnoo jannatarra ganamaa galgalaa
Maaliif nuuf Rakkattan nuti milkooynerraa
Silaa nu argitan haala keenya kanaa
Tokkoon namaan obsuu Shahiiidee tahurraa
Nutuu ni hawwina ammas shahidummaa
Silaa Ni hawwiina lubbuun jiraachuudhaa
Marraa hedduu duunee ammas shahiidummaa
Galata arganneen hedduu gammadnerraa
Nuti nuuf gammadaa ifumaaf Rakkadhaa

Dilli teenya hunda Rabbiin bar nuuf dhiisee
Dhaphii dhiiga keenyaa kan dura dhaph jedheen
Azaaba qabriitis Rabbiin nu baraaree
Jannata keessatti bakka teenya garree
Laalaa qawweedhaatis Rabbiin nuf laaffisee
Akkuma qoreeti bar human laallannee
Silaa osoo gartan galata argannee
Isiiniin bari’u namuu shahiidoomee

Yaa haadhatoo atis gammadi yaa harmee
Ani Ilmi kankee Jannata siif seenee
Humaa hin rakkatiin anaaf jattee boochee
Silaa akka Rabbiin fedhee lubbuu na deebise
Lammaffaan shahiidaa yaa harmee naat argee
Kan takka shahiiduuf akkatti milkaawe
Osoon ammas ka’ee ammas ajjeefame
Karaa Rabbii keessatti ni jaaladha Harmee.

Yaa dargaggoo islaamaa Nu dhaqabaa dafaa
Amantii Rabbiitiif du’uun sodaatinaa
Shahiidummaaf dafaa namuu wal dorgomaa
Nuti arganneerraa dafaa nu dhaqabaa
Ganaa Osoon duune Jannata agaree
Bakka itti galluu tan shakkii hin qabnee